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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Estonia | Tallinn | Just like before.

I have fond memories of Tallinn so returning was a must. I would, however, like to forget the time (European summer 2009) that I drank a gut full of this special Estonian herbal supplement, sourced from rare and probably endangered plant life, ground elephant toenail and mixed with the souls of lost and forgotten children. That was a bad twenty-four hours. But I digress.

Memories of summer skies, long drives, quiet nights, boating to Hiiumuaa, walking through the forest and of course - how can it be forgotten - a shoot I did there which can be called 'beachFace' (still one of my favourite times behind the camera), are all the ways I will always picture Estonia.

This time was not as warm and the beach was not visited (it's winter). Tallinn in summer is a beautiful, romantic city. Tallinn in winter should be stunning. Unfortunately, as the plane landed it got warm (-1 to +3) during the day. The winter wonderland that I was told about melted a bit, refroze at night and turned the streets into a city wide, week long, ice-skating rink! This in-turn yielded some of the most amusing walking one has ever seen/experienced. As I walked, I laughed and one could imagine that the people I passed on the street were questioning my sanity.

I miss Estonia, it will always be a special place for me.
Here though, are some pictures.











Nick Found

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